digital magazine creator

Digital magazine creator for teachers

It is empowering to challenge your students to come up with something exciting that they have personally developed. The process isn’t as easy as it sounds. Deciding on the exact thing that the student should develop is always a challenge on its own. But that should not be the case. A digital magazine creator has a way of making students feel engaged, despite their interests. Digital publishing or electronic publishing consists of digital publications of digital magazines, digital libraries, and the development of catalogues as well as digital libraries. A digital magazine creator is required for the creation of digital magazines.

What is a digital magazine?

This refers to a magazine that is accessible on the internet as well as other forms of computer networks. It borrows some features of blogs and online newspapers. Any given magazine has an editorial board whose duty is to review the submission. However, the digital ones follow a different approach that is free from editorial control.

In most print media stations, the printed magazine is usually accompanied by its online copy. It is in such a way that the readers have access both to the printed copy and online version of the same.

More on digital publishing

Scientific publishing seems to have taken control of electronic publishing. With all the success that has been witnessed here, the magazines have also jumped in so as to have a swift distribution of their content. The purpose is to make use of the available tablet reading devices and smartphones.

How to use the digital magazine creator tools


This free platform allows for the creation of professional magazines that are simple.

Visit where you will sign up using either your email or Facebook. After the signup process is over, you will be taken through several steps for creating your new Glossi. The very first thing is to input the title and then click on “Next Step.” On the new page, click on “a category” and chose the category that you want from the list. Type in more elaborate information by placing the cursor on “this” and “that” then move on to “Next Step.” At this point, it is possible to add images from your computer, Google, or by typing in the relevant URL. You also have the option of skipping this step and begin your creation. When you are done with this, you will be redirected to your Glossi editing page. The toolbar available on the left can be used to add pages. The one on top of the screen is for adding image, text, or video boxes. When this step is complete, hit the “save” button.


Visit to get started with Zinepal. Once you get to this digital magazine creator site, locate the “Create Your PDF and E-book Now” link. Input the URL as well as the story that you need to be included in the online magazine. With the URL in place, you will be taken to a new page for previewing and customizing the magazine. Hit the “Customize eBook” button and add your title. Remember to add the keywords, introduction as well as delivery options. Other formatting options like the advertisement that should be included, the layout, and the logo should also be added. Finish up everything by clicking the “Finalize eBook” button. This is where you are now required to create an account with Zinepal. Immediately you click the finalize button, you will be sent to a log-in page for those who have an account. On this same page, there is a link for creating an account. Just click on the “Register New Account” link. Having done so, the new page you are sent to will require you to buy the eBook. Scroll to the bottom where you click on “Create free eBook with limited features.” The final part is to download the eBook and all is done!

And there you have it. Teachers can use these digital magazine creator tools to inspire creative thinking among their students. Whichever platform you chose to use depends solely on your desires.

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